
"Rocketing Through Time and Tech"


New Episodes Coming Soon

Best experienced with the following devices

featured experiences

Interactive Learning

VR Tour of the Barbados Museum

Protect Cyber World!

Bit Bot Builders

Bit Bot Gaming

Ask a parent or guardian to sign up to be notified when the episode launches

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"Rocketing Through Time and Tech"


New Episodes Coming Soon

Best experienced with the following devices

featured experiences

Interactive Learning

VR Tour of the Barbados Museum

Protect Cyber World!

Bit Bot Builders

Bit Bot Gaming

Ask a parent or guardian to sign up to be notified when the episode launches

Newsletter Signup




Test your COSPLAY Knowledge by taking our Every Bit Creative Cosplay Quiz!

Step 1 of 2

What is the name of a strong and secret code that helps protect your computer or online accounts?
Why is it important not to share your passwords with anyone, even your best friend?
What should you do if you receive an email or message from someone you don't know and it asks for your personal information?
What do we call a small program that can harm your computer by infecting it with viruses or stealing your information?
When you use public Wi-Fi, what should you avoid doing to keep your information safe?
What's the name of a fake website that looks real but is designed to steal your information?
How can you make your online accounts safer from hackers?
What's the name of a special key or code that some websites ask for, in addition to your password, to keep your account safe?
What's the rule about talking to strangers online, even if they seem friendly?
What's the name of a person who tries to find weaknesses in computer systems to make them more secure?