
"Rocketing Through Time and Tech"


New Episodes Coming Soon

Best experienced with the following devices

featured experiences

Interactive Learning

VR Tour of the Barbados Museum

Protect Cyber World!

Bit Bot Builders

Bit Bot Gaming

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"Rocketing Through Time and Tech"


New Episodes Coming Soon

Best experienced with the following devices

featured experiences

Interactive Learning

VR Tour of the Barbados Museum

Protect Cyber World!

Bit Bot Builders

Bit Bot Gaming

Ask a parent or guardian to sign up to be notified when the episode launches

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Interactive Presentation

Gabby Learns About STEM

Best experienced with the following devices

Interactive Presentation

Gabby Learns About STEM

Have you ever heard of STEM and STEAM? These aren’t just words that describe the steam coming out of a pot are the slender part of a flower. Instead, they can also refer to exciting and cool concepts that open up a world of learning and discovery for kids like you! We’ll explore what STEM and STEAM are all about and why they’re so important in our lives.

What is STEM?

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. These subjects are all about understanding the world around us, solving problems, and using our creativity and imagination to make amazing things happen.


Digital Learning with Fun, Immersive Experiences

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