
"Rocketing Through Time and Tech"


New Episodes Coming Soon

Best experienced with the following devices

featured experiences

Interactive Learning

VR Tour of the Barbados Museum

Protect Cyber World!

Bit Bot Builders

Bit Bot Gaming

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"Rocketing Through Time and Tech"


New Episodes Coming Soon

Best experienced with the following devices

featured experiences

Interactive Learning

VR Tour of the Barbados Museum

Protect Cyber World!

Bit Bot Builders

Bit Bot Gaming

Ask a parent or guardian to sign up to be notified when the episode launches

Newsletter Signup



Digital Learning with Fun, Immersive Experiences

All Inclusive Access for Club Members

New Interactive Experiences Now Available

Gain access to full episodes, exclusive videos, behind the scenes and more for FREE when you become member of our Gigabit Kids Club.

Interactive Learning

VR Tour of the Barbados Museum

Protect Cyber World!

Gigabit Gaming Guide

Best experienced with the following devices


New Season of Interactive Experiences Available Now

Ask a parent or guardian to sign up!

Gain access to our Virtual Tours, exclusive videos, behind the scenes and more for FREE when you become member of our Gigabit Kids Club.

featured experience:

Gabby Learns about STEM

Interactive Learning

Learn about STEM with Gabby

Clip from the Jairus Brewster Children's Gallery

Gabby visited the Jairus Brewster Children’s Gallery at the Barbados Museum and Historical Society, where she had fun interacting with toys and equipment, which utilise aspects of STEM.

STEM is an acronym for Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics and sometimes, it’s also referred to as STEAM, Science Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths! Creativity in the arts is also important, so that’s why it’s sometimes added in.

featured experience:

Discover artifacts with Gabby

Virtual Tour of the Barbados Museum

Discover artifacts with Gabby

Take a virtual tour of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society with Gabby, where we’ll look at the past to see how it has influenced our present and inspires our future. Our tour guide Ms. Elizabeth is very knowledgeable about all the artifacts we’ll see.

featured experience:

Zakk Rat Cyber Attack

Protect Cyber World!

Zakk Rat Cyber Attack

Learn and Win!

Do you have what it takes to defeat Zakk Rat?

take the quiz to Stop Zakk Rat and for a chance to win a samsung tab 7!

Terms and Conditions Apply.

Explore Cyber World featuring custom planets with our heroes Bit Bot and Miranda Mongoose as they battle against the tech tyrant Zack Rat.

Zakk Rat is on a mission to cause havoc in the cyberworld and our heroes are determined to stop him! They utilise skills learned from STEM, reading, and quizzes existing in the Gigabits Kids world.

featured experience:

Careers in Gaming

This month's spotlight:

Careers in Gaming

When we think of esports, most of us jump straight to thinking about the professionals that compete in tournaments for the huge prize pools, but there are actually so many more possible careers in the industry. Thousands of staff members are employed each year to help run various esports organisations and run the big tournaments, so don’t think that you have to be super good at video games to get into the esports industry. There are plenty of roles around, and we’re going to talk about some of the main ones in this segment.


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