
"Rocketing Through Time and Tech"


New Episodes Coming Soon

Best experienced with the following devices

featured experiences

Interactive Learning

VR Tour of the Barbados Museum

Protect Cyber World!

Bit Bot Builders

Bit Bot Gaming

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"Rocketing Through Time and Tech"


New Episodes Coming Soon

Best experienced with the following devices

featured experiences

Interactive Learning

VR Tour of the Barbados Museum

Protect Cyber World!

Bit Bot Builders

Bit Bot Gaming

Ask a parent or guardian to sign up to be notified when the episode launches

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STEM Trivia

Test your COSPLAY Knowledge by taking our Every Bit Creative Cosplay Quiz!

Step 1 of 2

What does the acronym STEM stand for?
What do we use to measure time in hours, minutes, and seconds?
How many fingers do most humans have on one hand?
What is the shape of planet Earth?
What do you call a baby cow?
What is the force that pulls objects toward each other, like keeping you on the ground?
What is the smallest planet in our solar system?
Fun fact: According to space.com, 55 Cancri e is a planet known as a “Super-Earth”, with a radius twice as wide as that of Earth, and a mass eight times greater. It’s an extremely hot planet with a surface of mostly graphite surrounding a thick layer of diamonds, below which is a layer of silicon-based minerals and a molten iron core at the centre (Moskowitz, 2012)